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Atlantic Crossing
New Zealand
South East Asia
Indian Ocean
Red Sea
Atlanic back to Holland
Arrival in Holland






Click on pictures to enlarge


Here you'll find all the different chapters of our voyage around the world


DSC03440.jpg (8342 bytes)      Holland-Portugal-Canary Islands-Atlantic Crossing

IMG_2517.jpg (8097 bytes)    Leeward Islands 

DSC04458.jpg (12429 bytes)    Windward Islands  

DSC05127.jpg (3674 bytes)    Venezuela to Panama     

miraflores-two-sailboats1-P.jpg (9202 bytes)    Panama Channel                                     

IMG_4646.jpg (6124 bytes)    Galapagos

DSC06116.jpg (14424 bytes)    Marquesas, French Polynesia 

DSC06458.jpg (6046 bytes)    Tuamotus, French Polynesia                            

IMG_6091.jpg (4554 bytes)    Tahiti, Society Islands, French Polynesia 

IMGP0565.jpg (2231 bytes)    Suwarrow, Northern Cook Islands

Samoa-(28).jpg (7572 bytes)    Samoa, Western Samoa                                             

IMGP0608.jpg (2751 bytes)    Tonga, Vava'u group, Ha'apai, Tongatapu

DSC07305.jpg (14739 bytes)    New Zealand 1                                     

DSC08032.jpg (6456 bytes)    Maui, Hawaii (by Airplane)

DSC08893.jpg (6197 bytes)    Australia, Perth (by Airplane)

IMG_7347.jpg (5807 bytes)    New Zealand 2                                     

DSC09288.jpg (7821 bytes)    New Zealand 3

DSC00253.jpg (8365 bytes)    Fiji

DSC00660.jpg (8988 bytes)    Vanuatu 

DSC00975.jpg (11895 bytes)   Solomon Islands

DSC01347.jpg (13225 bytes)    Papua New Guinea

DSC01619.jpg (9773 bytes)    Australia

IMG_0727.jpg (5201 bytes)    Indonesia

IMG_2840.jpg (7372 bytes)    Indonesia 2

DSC03010.jpg (6588 bytes)    Singapore-Malaysia

_E5B0005.jpg (5959 bytes)    South Africa 2008

IMG_3238.jpg (4910 bytes)    Thailand

IMG_3331.jpg (9001 bytes)    Maldives 

IMG_4237.jpg (9692 bytes)    Yemen 

DSC05056.jpg (8288 bytes)    Sudan 

DSC05790.jpg (6199 bytes)    Egypt 

IMG_6079.jpg (5154 bytes)    Greece 

DSC06402.jpg (10467 bytes)    Italy 

DSC06536.jpg (7581 bytes)    Spain and Portugal



Arrival Holland




























Last modified: September 02, 2008          Hit Counter